If you feel that you may need a visit please telephone the surgery before 11am on 02392 663368.
A doctor or nurse may phone you back to assess your health condition and to decide the next steps. This could include offering telephone advice or to decide on the best clinician to send. It may also be in the patients best interest to arrange hospital attendance instead,
House visits are only available for patients who are housebound. This is usually due to illness or disability.
Our GP's can assess several patients in the practice in the time that it takes to make one home visit. There are also better facilities for examining and treating patients at the surgery.
Acute Visiting Service
Since September 2015 the Alliance has provided an Acute Visiting Service. This now runs during the hours of 9am-6pm Monday – Friday (excluding Bank Holidays).
If you are feeling unwell and are not able to come to your usual GP surgery you can contact them to request a Home Visits. Patients are usually assessed by their own GP's who will then visit them. Sometimes your GP will decided that you cannot wait for a visit for them. They will then offer to refer you to the Acute Visiting Service. One of the team of GPs will then come out to see you as a representative of your practice. These doctors work across the Portsmouth area to visit registered patients at home. They can provide appropriate treatment. This helps to both reduce attendances at A&E and avoid unnecessary admission to hospital. Patients who get referred to AVS are usually seen within 2 hours of us receiving the referral. Patients are then given the best care in the most appropriate setting.